Let me tell you a story about an incredible young man. Tim is 13 years old. He loves the Lord with all his heart and the faith he has in His God is incredible.
However, Tim's story in not a simple story.
Tim was born on October 14, 1995 to Kevin and Deb Bosch. He is the fourth child born to them. The others are Chris, Erika and Allison, the youngest being 1 ½ when Tim was born.
The interesting thing about Tim was that he was born with a dozen broken bones caused by birth alone, but after looking closer they found that he also had over a dozen breaks that had already healed when he was in the womb before he was born.
Tim was diagnosed with an extremely severe case Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) or more commonly known as brittle bone disease. Doctors said that Tim's bones looked like honeycomb.....more holes than bone. What bone was there was very brittle.
The doctors told Kevin and Deb that Tim would not live to be 1 years old.
During Tim's first year of life he was carried around on a pillow because he was so fragile. He would break just having his diaper changed. Tim had Clothes were made to snap around him so that he did not need to be moved to be dressed. They couldn't even hold Tim to burp him or to cuddle him because he would break.
Through many tears, prayers and research they were able to find a hospital in Montreal Canada that was treating OI kids.
Tim started receiving experimental treatments for OI patients and his bone density began to improve.
We celebrated Tim's first birthday!!
At 3 ½ yrs Tim first stood with braces
At 4 ½ yrs he learned to walk with a walker
At 6 yrs he took his first steps on his own.
INCREDIBLE. A miracle provided by God alone!
Tim has had over 400 broken bones (we are no longer counting) and has had over 40 major surgeries.
Tim has 6 rods in his limbs. Both legs from his ankle to his knee and from the knee to the hip. Also both upper arms from the elbow to the shoulder. These help to prevent his bones from breaking, but they also have bent inside his bone when a limb has broken causing extreme pain until they can be removed or straightened. Not just the pain of a broken bone, but the pain of the bent rod too. These rods go through the center of Tim's bones.
Tim has a very high tolerance for pain. His mom knows that if he is asking for medicine it is usually a bad sign that he is broken. Many times his pain can get so severe that maximum medicine dosages cannot take the pain away.
When the weather turns cold, Tim's bones ache even more because of the 100's of breaks and many surgeries that he has had. To be able to get into a therapy tub would be an awesome pain reliever for him.
Every time Tim breaks he goes backwards as his bone density decreases because he looses his ability to be mobile.
Bottom line: Tim needs to get stronger. Tim needs to strengthen his bones. The only way he can do this is by using them. But, when you have had over 400 breaks in 13 years there is not a lot of time to do this. Even when Tim is broke he would be able to use this pool providing him with some exercise for his bones too, possibly maintain the density instead of loosing his bone density. Being in the water is many times the only thing he can do besides sitting in his chair because he can put his bones and muscles to use and not put any weight on them if he is the water, and that is really what he needs.
Help us to put a smile on Tim's face as we bless him with an aqua therapy pool.....TIM'S TUB
The Bosch's owned a swimming pool where Tim was able to do much therapy in during the summertime, but this past spring it broke. He's not able to do any more physical therapy on his own at home anymore, which means that his bones and body are getting weaker and weaker. The only way that Tim will be able to regain and maintain his physical progress is to get into a pool again.
Throughout the summer, ideas have been brought onto many peoples hearts to help Tim and the rest of his family out and raise money towards a physical therapy tub, Tim's Tub, so that he can use it during the summer months AND the winter months to help him regain his strength and bone density. Doing this will continue Tim's progress and he will never have the chance to go backwards during the winter or when he is broken like he does now. Tim's bones will get stronger and stronger, which is what he needs right now!
an oval combination pool – therapy – hot tub/room temp to 104 degrees
rowing (he loves to do)
a current to swim against/adjustable
heat to ease the ache
hand rails on 3 sides so Tim can stand and walk
preformed steps – Tim will be able to get himself into and out of the pool
preformed seat for him to sit in when he is broken
2nd preformed seat for someone to accompany him (side-note = not as comfortable as Tim's seat)
this “tub” can be used by Tim year round